Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NYC National Nanny Training Day II Saturday, April 20th 2013 at 10AM

Wee Care Nanny Agency is proud to be a sponsor of National Nanny Training Day 2 "NNTD" being held at Turtle Bay in Manhattan (52nd and 2nd Ave) on April 20, 2013.  NNTD offers a full day of training for nannies featuring many experienced industry leaders speaking on a variety of topics like caring for the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and recreational needs of  your charges. In short, you will get additional insight on how to be an exceptional caregiver, and build and maintain a great working relationship with your family. Last year was the first time the event was held, and it attracted 1200+ nannies in over 30 cities nationwide. 

The workshops this year will include:
1. Children's Nutrition 
2. Bullying 
3. SIDS, Safe Sleep Practices, and Shaken Baby Syndrome
4. Toddler and Child Injury Prevention

We welcome those that commit to attending and enhancing their childcare skills and education. Hot buffet lunch included. We hope to see you there! 

Please contact Beth Lehmann for additional information or click here.