Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Warmest regards,
The Staff at Wee Care Nanny Agency
Monday, November 28, 2011
How Caregivers Can Help Keep Seniors Safe in Their Homes
Potential Dangers Around the House
Written By : Tina Sherman
To those who are in the business of caring for seniors learning ways to prevent falls is a must. May people are still not aware of the fact that there are just as many fall hazards to seniors in the home but with the proper measures it is easy to prevent falls so that seniors are safe from the life altering effects of having a tumble and here are a few ideas that you can implement in the home.
• When in the kitchen, do you leave your counter top appliances such as mixer, coffee maker, mixer, and toaster on your countertop? Move them out of the way they might fall as your elderly companion does his or her cooking.
• Many seniors easily feel tired when standing for prolonged periods so anything that concerns food preparation should be done sitting down at a table to lessen the risks of falling and of course to prevent the senior from feeling fatigue.
• Clutter on the floor is oftentimes ignored but they are potential hazards because the senior has the potential of tripping on those things scattered on the floor... Continue story here
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Wee Care Nanny wants to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a happy & healthy Thanksgiving Day! Stay Safe and have a wonderful holiday.
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Proposed Laws in California Regulating Nannies, Companions and other Household Workers are Misguided and Need Further Consideration
As an Association of Premier nanny Agencies (APNA) board member, we are helping draw attention to some important issues facing our industry today. We are concerned that well intentioned efforts by CA legislators to protect household employees are actually misguided, and may actually end up hurting household workers, and make families less safe.
Below is the press Release from the APNA:
Proposed Laws for Household Workers
Risk to safety, business climate & tax collection
(November 15, 2011) – Recent legislative activity in New York and California is shining a spotlight on labor laws for nannies and other household employees, reinforcing the presumption that in-home workers are frequently mistreated. “The California laws under consideration (AB889) go too far and if passed, could result in an increased underground of illegal domestic workers – putting them and those in their care at greater risk – and potentially driving businesses from the state,” explains Daryl Camarillo, president of the Association of Premier Nanny Agencies - A Household Staffing Alliance (APNA).
One example of what California’s AB889 would do would be to require families to supply an additional caregiver to relieve a nanny for a documented 30 minute meal break and two, 10-minute rest breaks each day. “Families who fail to do so would have to pay their nanny more or risk being sued by their nanny and finding themselves liable for lawyer’s fees, fines and court costs,” says Denise Collins of San Francisco’s Aunt Ann’s In-House Staffing. “It’s impractical on so many levels. It almost defeats the purpose of hiring an in-home caregiver by adding additional costs and administrative duties for the family – not to mention, who will they find to take a job for 50 minutes a day – spread out throughout the day?”
“If these laws pass, parents could also be fined or sued for infractions such as failing to provide the nanny’s requested foods – even if a child in her care is allergic to one of the foods,” adds Camarillo. “The lawmakers’ intentions are good, but we predict passage of AB889 as it stands now would result in so many additional duties, risks and costs for families that many will resort to hiring under the table.”
Illegal hiring can drive down wages and reduce employment opportunities for legally-hired domestic employees. In addition, California’s business climate could suffer if it’s harder for parents to work because of burdensome childcare laws.”
A climate that encourages underground or “do-it-yourself” hiring also creates dangers people can’t foresee. “A perfect example is background checks. Most people don’t understand that the inexpensive ‘nationwide’ background check offered by many online listing services for nannies and babysitters isn’t really nationwide and isn’t very thorough,” says Camarillo.
“We’ve been working for years to sound the alarm that a proper background check involves human vetting, time and some cost. Quality agencies hire professionals to screen candidates before sending them on interviews. People who are hiring nannies, personal assistants, elder companions and housekeepers often don’t even consider that they should check for a criminal record – and they should.”
Respected household staffing agencies safeguard families and domestic workers by educating both sides about salaries, employment and tax laws that can vary widely from state to state, industry norms, and the importance of written work agreements.
“Legal, household employees are already well protected by existing state and federal laws governing human rights, disability, work conditions and overtime. Most earn more than minimum wage. In California their salaries range between $15 and $30 an hour which is taxed and contributes to their ability to collect social security, unemployment and other social safety nets tied to legal employment.”
California is often at the leading edge of social issues, so we want to communicate to its lawmakers, and those nationwide, that proposals such as AB889 might appear to increase worker protection, but unless the laws are carefully crafted, they could result in unintended consequences.”
•Daryl Camarillo, APNA President, (650) 462-4580 or
•Denise Collins, APNA Vice president, (415) 749-3650
•Mellisa Peckham, APNA Treasurer, (203) 359-8410 or
•Go to to find an APNA agency in your community and valuable information for families and people seeking household employment
APNA is a self-regulating organization that helps set the bar for industry standards and practices. APNA member agencies have their contracts, applications and business practices scrutinized by peers to ensure they know and follow all applicable laws. You are dealing with a quality household staffing service when you see the APNA seal.
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Healing Hearts Family Fundraiser of Stamford, CT
Wee Care Nanny Agency is proud to recognize and support Healing Hearts Pediatric Therapy Center in Stamford, Connecticut. Two of the key administrators and founders of Healing Hearts are good friends, and wonderful and caring individuals. Tom Bacha and Kimberly Colletto dedicate their time, energy and resources to make a profound difference in the lives of children with special needs. The Healing Hearts special needs therapy center provides 10 types of therapy, including, occupational, speech and physical therapy. Healing Hearts provides specialized therapeutic treatments for children with cerebral palsy, autism, motor-development delays and other neuro-motor disorders.
We hope you and your family will take the time to stop by, learn more and participate in the day's fun events.
Heal your heart by helping
“Healing Hearts” a Non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (social and recreational division) that helps children who have various disabilities.
Saturday, November 19, 2011- 3:00p.m-6:00p.m.
Admission is free, donations will be kindly accepted!
This event will be full of fun activities for all ages and abilities.
Free demos
Free Food & Beverages & Free Babysitting will be provided
BGC Live Entertainment & Raffles
Heavy Hitting Boxing and Fitness presents White Collar-Boxing Matches
Boys & Girls Club of Stamford will be assisting and helping the cause!
48 Union Street
Stamford, CT
Healing Hearts Family
Fundraiser OF STAMFORD
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Medication Tips For the Caregiver
Medication Tips For the Caregiver
Written By : Rebecca Colmer
Did you know that the average senior takes two to seven daily medications? As we age our bodies change, affecting the way medications (and foods) are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted.
All of these can create a greater risk of drug interactions and side effects. The more medications the care-receiver takes daily, the easier it is lose to track of how many to take and when they should be taken.
Caregivers should use a medication organizer for their care-receiver.Consider these other tips: Continue article here
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Caregiver Burnout, the Warning Signs
7 Ways to Identify Caregiver Burnout
Written By : Hal Robertson
All across the world, family members are helping their elders out by paying bills, cleaning their house, supervising medications and in some cases much, much more. As their elder continues to age and grows more frail, the tasks involved generally become much more time consuming and in many cases, more difficult. For example, helping out with grocery shopping may evolve into cooking meals for them. Or a weekly phone call to check on dad may turn into daily visits to reassure yourself that he's OK.
In America, close to seven million elders depend on others to help them with daily living. This can and often does lead to caregiver burnout. When you get to the point there a good night's sleep fails to brighten your mood the next morning, you could very well be looking at caregiver stress. Continue article here
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Monday, October 17, 2011
Some Positive Effects of Rearing Bilingual Children
Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
10 Easy Steps to Teach Seniors to Use a Computer
Some of our experienced eldercare companions have taught their clients to use a computer with great success. Many of these clients now communicate with their children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren via email, Facebook and Skype. For many seniors, it has opened up a new avenue for them to keep in close contact with their loved ones and share in the milestone moments of their grandkids. Others have reported reconnecting via Facebook with friends they haven't heard from in 50 years. It is a great tool for seniors. And we have found many of our older clients tend to really embrace the technology once they get over the initial fear factor.
Teaching Seniors Computers - 10 Tips
Written By : Michael Gorzka
I've been teaching library computer classes since 1997. Here are my top 10 tips for teaching
seniors how to use a computer.
1) State the goals of the class before you begin instructing. People will come into a class with different skill levels. Advanced students will often work ahead or surf the web if the class material is too basic for them.
This can distract you and other people in the class.
After everyone in the class has been seated, I introduce myself and then say something like: "Just to
make sure we're all on the same page here, this the Introduction to Email Class". In this class we cover the
very basics of sending and receiving email messages. Is that why we're all here?"
2) Use real life parallels whenever possible...Read entire article
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Monday, September 19, 2011
National Nanny Recognition Week- September 18-24, 2011
Happy National Nanny Recognition Week to all the exceptional nannies who go above and beyond to care for their charges. Wee Care Nanny sincerely thanks you and greatly appreciates the wonderful and valuable service you provide throughout the year.
For Families, if you employ a nanny there are many ways you can recognize their hard work and show your appreciation:- Take her out to lunch or dinner with the family.
- Give her a gift certificate to her favorite restaurant, spa or bookstore.
- Give her a letter letting her know how much you and your family appreciate her and what she means to your family.
- Send a gift basket with her favorite chocolates, sweets, coffee, tea or a fruit basket. Please don't forget to include a personal thank you note.
- Ask your children to write a thank you letter and make a special gift showing how much they love and appreciate her.
- If possible, let her go early one day and pay her for the full day.
- Provide a gift certificate for yoga or dance classes or to the theater or movies etc.
- Most importantly, remember to sincerely thank her for everything she does throughout the year for your family and peace of mind.
Thank you again for your hard work and the valuable service you provide!
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Pets for Seniors - Enhance Quality of Life
Pets for Seniors - Enhance Quality of Life
Written By : G. Dube
Recent studies indicate that seniors who own pets, live longer, experience better health and enjoy life much more than the senior who has no pet companionship. Results have shown that pet owners often experience a decrease in temperature, stress level, and even blood pressure! In addition to this luxury of companionship, pets can provide joy, entertainment, love and security and even calm the pet owner. Pets love you for being you -- not for the psychological games you play -- not "only" for the treats you shell out frequently -- they are forgiving, loyal and love you unconditionally.
Learn the 6 ways pet ownership can enhance a senior's quality of life: Continue article here
Friday, September 9, 2011
Teaching Children to Be Critical Thinkers and Other Life Lessons
School Curriculum Falls Short on Bigger Lessons
By Tara Parker-Pope
Now that children are back in the classroom, are they really learning the lessons that will help them succeed?
Many child development experts worry that the answer may be no. They say the ever-growing emphasis on academic performance and test scores means many children aren’t developing life skills like self-control, motivation, focus and resilience, which are far better predictors of long-term success than high grades. And it may be distorting their and their parents’ values...continue article here
Posted by Wee Care Nanny
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
When Seniors are Resistant to Eldercare
Found this article to be helpful and on point.
When Seniors Say No to Help
By : Steven Freese
Caregiver Support Series Helps Families Overcome Resistance
A family caregiver’s job, by definition, is already a difficult one. Time away from work and family, and the worry of caring for a senior adult all can take a toll. But when you consider that many seniors often resist help, that job becomes overwhelming for so many caregivers in our own area.A study of family caregivers conducted for the Home Instead Senior Care® network revealed that more than half of the respondents (51 percent) said that their aging relative was very resistant to care. These seniors often object to help whether it’s from a family caregiver or a professional who tries to come into their homes to assist.
This is a real problem for family caregivers worried about the safety of a senior loved one who might be forgetting food on the stove or neglecting to take their medications. Some seniors are so resistant I’ve heard stories of them calling the police when their family members have arranged for a caregiver to visit their home...Continue article
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Financial Misconduct of the Elderly
Financial Abuse of the Elderly
Written By : Bill Hayes
When a loved one gets older, it is common for use to worry about them. Are their needs being met? Should they be put in a home? Can we trust those who are looking after them?
Sadly, these causes for concern are justified. Cases of abuse are far too common for us to pretend they don't exist. One of the most common forms of elder mistreatment is financial abuse. This article will examine what financial abuse is, how it happens / who does it, and what you can do legally to correct the problem....continue article here
Posted by Wee Care Companions
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Gardening, A Great Way for Seniors to Stay Active
Written By : SeniorsList
Gardening in our retirement years can be a great experience. Not only does it provide a place of respite and peace, but it provides a great source of exercise. In fact, the medical community now recognizes the power for hobbies and everyday activities to provide exercise for the body. Just think of all the movements it takes to grow and maintain a garden. You’re digging, carrying dirt, bending down, standing up, and moving your muscles and joints. No wonder gardening is such a great activity! And that’s not to mention all the fresh air and sunshine you get as well... Continue

Posted by Wee Care Companions
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July- Results from 4 on the 4th Race in New Canaan, CT 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Four on the Fourth Road Race in New Canaan, Connecticut on July 4th 2011
Four on the Fourth in New Canaan, Connecticut
July 4th is the 29th annual (Four on the Fourth) Independence Day Race in New Canaan. Great way to start off the day with a 4 mile run along scenic Oenoke Ridge in New Canaan.
Please stop by and say hello as Wee Care Nanny Agency will again be sponsoring the water table at the finish line and providing fun toys for the children.
July 4, 2011
Monday, 9 AM St. Mark's Church, Rt. 124, New Canaan, CT
Online Registration for Four on the Fourth
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Monday, June 27, 2011
Fourth of July 2011 Fireworks Events in Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY
Our friends at Serendipity Magazine put together a list of upcoming Fireworks Events for Independence Weekend 2011. Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July! All fireworks start at sunset
**Friday, July 1**
Indepence Day Fireworks Celebration Compo Beach Compo Beach Road, Westport, CT
FireFlies Nature's Mini-Fireworks; Audubon Greenwich: 613 Riversville Road, Greenwich, CT
**Saturday, July 2**
2011 Rowayton Civic Associations July 4th Fireworks Bayley Beach 11 Rocky Point Road, Norwalk, CT
Binney Park Between Sound Beach Avenue and Arch Street, Old Greenwich, CT
2011 Rowayton Civic Associations July 4th Fireworks Bayley Beach 11 Rocky Point Road, Norwalk, CT
Fireworks Celebration; Ridgefield High School 700 North Salem Road, Ridgefield, CT
Pound Ridge Town Park Pound Ridge, NY
**Sunday July 3**
Rye Playland Playland Parkway, Rye, NY Every Wednesday and Friday through September 2. Special Holiday Show July 3 and 4
Kensico Dam Music Fest Kensico Dam Plaza, White Plains, NY
Pops, Patriots and Fireworks Caramoor Center for Music and Arts 149 Girdle Ridge Road, Katonah, NY
**Monday, July 4** HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!
Jennings Beach 880 South Benson Road, Fairfield, CT
Mamaroneck Village Hall 169 Mount Pleasant Ave., Mamaroneck, NY
31st Annual Fireworks; Waveny Park 677 South Ave., New Canaan, CT Posted By Wee Care Nanny Agency |
Saturday, June 25, 2011
5K Road Race and Fireworks Show In Pound Ridge, NY on July 2nd
Saturday, July 2, 2011
9:00 AM (5K)
10:00 AM-11:00 AM (Kids’ Races)
Race Information
And the spectacular annual Fireworks show starts around dusk in the Pound Ridge Town Park.
It is a great day of fun for the whole family and we hope to see you there.
July 2, 2011
Saturday, Pound Ridge Town Park 199 Westchester Avenue
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Workplace Protections Debated for Nannies and other Domestic Workers
Organized Labor Fighting for Domestic Worker Rights
AFL-CIO and other labor groups want workplace protections for nannies and housekeepers, even though U.S. law prevents those workers from joining unions...Continue article here.
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Summer Nannies-What you Need to Know
Wee Care Nanny's Summer Nanny Program
Summer Nannies FAQ's
With summer right around the corner, many families are making plans for summer vacation. As kids look forward to a break from the school-year routine, parents are faced with an array of decisions about summer child care and how to balance the needs of their children with the demands of their jobs. Families also think about vacations, and the challenge of planning a family trip that is fun and interesting for kids and adults alike.
Summer nannies – often students or teachers – frequently figure into these plans. Sometimes families with older children, who do not need a nanny during the school year, choose to hire a nanny for the summer because their children would prefer not to go to summer camp, or because the camp schedule doesn’t cover their needs. By hiring a nanny for summer child care, the parents make it possible for the children to spend unstructured time at home, playing with neighborhood children, taking advantage of local activities, or perhaps just enjoying some down time.
For other families, particularly those with babies or small children, a summer nanny enables them to take a family vacation that meets the needs and expectations of kids and adults alike. By taking a nanny with them on vacation, parents are able to spend some time along together, enjoy a leisurely meal at a nice restaurant, and relax, knowing that their children are well cared for.
Whether you’re thinking about hiring a nanny for summer child care, or you’re interested in working as one, you’ve probably asked the following questions:
1. What do summer nannies do?Summer nannies may be full-time, part-time, live-in, or live-out. Like full-time, year-round nannies, they may be asked to manage light housekeeping duties in addition to taking care of children. Summer nannies and families should be sure to discuss these expectations, as well as salary and pay schedule, in advance of committing to work together for the summer.
2. How do families find summer nannies?Parents can find summer nannies through nanny agencies, as well as through the recommendations of friends and colleagues. Some resort and family travel destinations may be able to help you find short-term nanny services. In some cities parents will find nanny agencies that specialize in providing temporary nanny services with complete background checks. At destinations popular with families, the hotel may be able to help.
3. How can summer nannies find jobs?As for nannies, there are many ways to find summer nanny jobs, including through nanny agencies and through word of mouth. If you’re looking for work as a summer nanny, be sure to tell everyone you know of your interest in finding a summer nanny job. If you’re a student, check campus bulletin boards, the school paper, and any other places where families might advertise for a nanny.
4. How should expenses be handled when a nanny travels with a family? It’s important to remember that when a nanny accompanies a family on vacation, no matter how lovely the locale, the nanny is still working. The nanny and parents should discuss and agree on a schedule for the trip in advance, making sure that the nanny’s needs are met in terms of time off and breaks.
Families should be prepared to cover all of the nanny’s travel expenses, including airfare, lodging, meals, and admission to attractions which he or she visits with the family. If the nanny does not eat all meals with the family, s/he should be given a meal allowance to purchase meals.
5. What accommodations should be provided?If at all possible, the nanny should have a separate bedroom, not one shared with the children, so that the nanny has a place to rest and relax when off duty.
6. How much does a summer nanny earn? Salaries for summer nannies vary tremendously depending on the number of children in their care, the number of hours they work, the responsibilities they’re given, their level of experience and education, and the region of the country where they are employed. Ballpark guidelines range from $8 to $22 per hour. The best way to find out what’s typical in your area is to ask a nanny agency, or to ask several friends or colleagues who have either hired nannies or have worked as a nanny.
7. What about taxes?Remember that summer nannies are subject to the same tax regulation as year-round nannies. For more info, see: Year-end Tax Tips for Employees
This article was published on newsletter, April 2009
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Challenge Your Mind in Retirement and Stay Sharp
Written By : Cynthia Barnett
You have probably heard people say that the best way to keep your mind sharp after retirement is to exercise it. This "use-it-or-lose-it thinking" is the subject of much debate. Many are deeply committed to this belief while others are skeptical. Although I cannot tell you mental activity will prevent Alzheimer's, I do believe mental activity will prevent mental atrophy. The brain works by sending messages across nerve connections. The more we use and reinforce those connections, the better our mind and memory work. So, to that end, here are ten great ways to challenge your mind in retirement...Continue here
Posted By Wee Care Companions
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Avoiding Legal Problems When Managing a Household Staff
HOUSEKEEPERS have been in the news lately. Look no further than former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, who recently admitted that he had a child more than 10 years ago with his former housekeeper.
But this column is for the other people who employ household help — housekeepers, nannies, chefs, butlers and estate managers. Their problems are more about being compliant with employment and tax laws and ensuring low turnover.
“There is no rocket science in our business,” said Travis Dommert, chief operating officer of the Lindquist Group, one of the oldest placement firms for household help in the country. “It’s about how you hire, manage and retain good people and not get sued in the process.”
Yet otherwise smart, wealthy people seem to have a harder time managing their household employees than the people they work with in their day jobs. Here are some tips for people planning to hire household help...Read entire story here
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Family Fun for Memorial Day Weekend 2011 in CT & Westchester, NY
We listed some family activities taking place over the long weekend throughout Fairfield County, CT and Westchester, NY. We hope you enjoy.
Memorial Day Fun
Memorial Day weekend usually means a break from the normal routine, giving you and your family the opportunity to enjoy activities that you might not have time for on a typical weekend. Here are a few things going on nearby.
Wednesday, May 25th, 2011 10:30 - 11:30 am & Thursday, May 26th, 2011 9:30 - 10:30 am
FREE! Mommy and Me Story Time and Songs
226 Kings Highway East
Fairfield, ct 06825
Hear special themed books hand-selected to delight your child. Work together on a specially prepared arts and crafts project. Listen, Laugh, Sing, Smile - the perfect activity for you or your mom group. One of Giant Steps most popular weekly events! Ages 2-5+ recommended
Saturday, May 28th, 2011 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Farming Fever
1875 Noble Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06610
Join us for an afternoon of learning about farm animals and farming with former Connecticut resident Chris Rowlands, an entertainer who’s famous for getting everyone involved. Children are invited to wear fun hats and sing along with Rowlands on stage as he shares his self- penned songs such as "Cud Chewing," a tribute to cows. Presented in partnership with the Fairfield County Farm Bureau.
Take a Marine Life Study Cruise and explore the shores of the sound for crabs, fish, and lobsters with educators from the Maritime Aquarium. Suitable for ages 8 and up. May 28. 1pm. $20.50. Maritime Aquarium, 10 North Water Street, Norwalk, CT. 203-852-0700.
Kids can jump on stage, sing, and wear hats as entertainer Chris Rowlands presents Farming Fever, a show that gets everyone involved in learning about farming and farm animals. May 28-29. 11am-3pm. $11; $9 children 3-11. Beardsley Zoo, 1875 Noble Avenue, Bridgeport, CT. 203-394-6563.
Take time to smell the roses and learn about a variety of plants in bloom in Family Programs: Garden Exploration at the Bartlett Arboretum. Find out what attracts honeybees and butterflies to the garden. May 28. 1pm. $18; free children under 12. Bartlett Arboretum, 151 Brookdale Road, Stamford, CT. 203-322-6971.
Children of all ages can stop by during regular library hours and make a craft at Drop-In Memorial Day Crafts. May 28. 10am-5pm. FREE. Wilton Library, 137 Old Ridgefield Road, Wilton. 203-762-3950.
At Lobster Days, crack some claws and let the butter drip as you sit by the water on the grounds of the Mystic Seaport. May 28-30. 11am-4pm. $24, kids 6-17 $15 (lobster dinner extra). Mystic Seaport, 75 Greenmanville Avenue, Mystic. 888-973-2767.
After the Memorial Day parade in town, bring a blanket and picnic on the museum's lawn at the 4th Annual Memorial Day Community Picnic. May 30. Noon-3pm. Fairfield Museum and History Center, 1520 Bronson Road, Fairfield, 203-259-1598.
ONE WITH WARBLERS The last wave of these active migrants. The habitats of Marshlands will overwhelm you with bird songs and calls of many of our feathered visitors. Please bring binoculars.
Hours: Saturday 7:30 a.m. FreeLocation: Marshlands Conservancy Route 1
Rye, NY 10580 For additional information: 9914) 835-4466 Westchester County Parks Dept.
POND EXPLORATION Cranberry's premiere program, offered to hundreds of school children each year, is open to the public once a summer. Join us on this kid-friendly search for tadpoles, water bugs, snails and more. Nets provided, wear rubber boot if you have them. Hours:
Saturday 1 p.m. FreeLocation: Cranberry Lake Preserve Old Orchard Street North White Plains, NY 10603 For additional information: (914) 428-1005 Westchester County Parks Dept.
Join us for a tour of Trailside's Luquer-Marble Wildflower Garden while the flowers are at their peak. The garden is home to over 70 species of flowers and ferns and includes some increasingly rare native plant species. Hours: Saturday 1 p.m. Parking $4 with Westchester County Park Pass; $8 without Park PassLocation: Trailside Nature Museum Ward Pound Ridge Reservation routes 35 & 121 South
Cross River, NY 10518 For additional information: (914) 864-7322
Westchester County Parks Dept.
Come and experience a tradition over 200 million years old! The moon will be full, the tide will be high, and the horseshoe crabs will be coming in to mate. Hours: Saturday 10:30 p.m.
FreeLocation: Marshlands Conservancy Route 1 Rye, NY 10580 For additional information: (914) 835-4466 Westchester County Parks Dept.
5/28/11, 5/29/11
ARTIST GALLERY - "FLORALS AND TRAVEL" Watercolors by Waltra Maurer. Exhibit in the Main House Gallery. Hours: Saturday & Sunday noon - 4 p.m. Free Location: Muscoot Farm
Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 For additional information: (914) 864-7282
Westchester County Parks Dept.
5/28/11, 5/29/11, 5/30/11, 6/4/11, 6/5/11, 6/11/11, 6/12/11, 6/18/11, 6/19/11
Beaches open for weekends on a pre-season basis. Season opening Wednesday - Sunday, (closed Monday & Tuesday), June 24 through September 5. Hours August 15 - September 5 Noon - 6 p.m.
Hours: Weekends and Holidays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. $4 adults, $3 children 5 - 11 years old, $2 seniors (weekdays only)Location: Glen Island*, New Rochelle - *Park Pass Required
Playland Beach, Playland Park, Rye Croton Point Beach, Croton-on-Hudson various, NY
For additional information: (914) 864-PARK Westchester County Parks Dept.
Fresh produce, meat, cheese, soap, candles, honey, mape syrup, flowers, fish and delicious baked goods. Hours: Sunday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. FreeLocation: Muscoot Farm
Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 For additional information: (914) 864-7278
Westchester County Parks Dept.
Experience a close encounter with our new baby animals.
Hours: Sunday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. FreeLocation: Muscoot Farm
Route 100 Somers, NY 10589 For additional information: (914) 864-7282
Westchester County Parks Dept.
Learn about the history of Lasdon Park and Arboretum while touring the Main House.
Hours: Sunday 2 p.m. FreeLocation: Lasdon Park, Arboretum & Veterans Memorial
Route 35 Somers, NY 10589 For additional information: (914) 864-7263
Westchester County Parks Dept.
Let the naturalist guide you through the magic and mysteries of Marshlands.
Hours: Sunday 2 p.m. FreeLocation: Marshlands Conservancy
Route 1 Rye, NY 10580 For additional information: (914) 835-4466
Westchester County Parks Dept.
Rain or shine. Call (914) 273-4667 or for information.
Hours: Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. $7 (kids under 13 free) Location:
Lasdon Park, Arboretum & Veterans Memorial Route 35 Somers, NY 10589
For additional information: (914) 864-7268 Westchester County Parks Dept.
Posted by Wee Care Nanny Agency